6 beginner keto mistakes to avoid

6 beginner keto mistakes to avoid

Planning daily meals is a hands-on task, especially when cooking from scratch. But, this task is even more time-consuming when following a strict food regime like keto. Starting a keto-based habit for the first time is challenging as certain foods need to be omitted and substituted to achieve ketosis. So, here is a list of beginner mistakes to avoid to plan an effective keto meal plan strategy in the long run. 6 beginner keto mistakes to avoid Not portioning meals properly Since a lot of foods in the new regime get substituted, it is necessary to weight, measure, prep, and portion out everything to ensure nutrition levels are met. Also, once the body gets used to the process of ketosis, it becomes even more crucial to follow a strict calorie count. Nutritionists recommend prepping and storing most days meals in advance so that less time is lost in cooking. Keto meal delivery services tend to portion meals out as per individual requirement and can be of use in these cases. Not working out Simply including low-carb and low-calorie foods is not enough for loss of body mass. It is easy to quickly shed off water weight but post that, only physical activity can help the body burn existing fat quicker.
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Role of genetic testing in determining future health risks

Role of genetic testing in determining future health risks

Our genes play a vital role in shaping our personalities, behaviors, thought processes, and appearance. However, they also act as contributing factors to the development of several health conditions. Genetic testing is an effective means of determining one’s genetic predisposition to a particular disease and preventing future risks of developing the condition. Here are some things to know about genetic testing, from the benefits of the process to the conditions one can test for. The benefits of genetic testing To take preventive measures Genetic testing is not the same as a diagnostic test — positive results do not imply that one has the disease. It only indicates the presence of the gene mutation causing the disease. Thus, testing for genetic vulnerability to a health condition allows one to take measures to prevent it if the result is positive. A sense of relief for families Family members are often worried about having passed on certain diseases to the future generations. Genetic testing can provide a sense of relief to family members in the case of negative results and reassurance in knowing that the disease can be prevented if the results are positive. A pathway to accurate diagnosis In many cases, genetic testing can be the first step to diagnosing a disease and starting the treatment course.
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4 vitamins important for maintaining eye health

4 vitamins important for maintaining eye health

The eyes are one of the most important sensory organs, and they play a massive role in helping one carry out day-to-day tasks. They may seem like simple organs, however, eyes are complex organs that require a lot of care and attention. Additionally, the eyes also need various vitamins and nutrients that help them function properly and keep diseases at bay. In the country, more than 3.4 million people suffer from eye problems. Eye health and problems People affected by eye-related ailments and issues prefer using lenses either in the form of contact lenses or eyeglasses to lessen the discomfort. Many eye-related problems plague people around the world. Some of the common problems are: Blurred vision: Many people are affected by blurred vision, where they are either unable to see objects far away or face trouble seeing objects closer to them. In such cases, they may their ability to see clearly is limited to a particular distance. These problems arise because of the structure of the eye, making it difficult for the light to be refracted. These issues can be fixed with the help of eyeglasses, contact lenses, and even laser surgery. Astigmatism: One of the most common vision problems is astigmatism.
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5 ways to manage ADHD in children

5 ways to manage ADHD in children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a health condition generally seen in children. The brain of an ADHD child develops differently, where the condition affects the child’s posture, focus, and attention span, and capacity for self-control. This condition is characterized by hyperactivity, excessive movement when not required, and impulsive behavior. Parents with ADHD child can opt for different ways to deal with them. This article highlights simple parenting tips for ADHD. Raising a child with ADHD comes with its own challenges, but they can be managed by giving attention, encouragement, and following various approaches. Engage in challenging activities Children with ADHD are easily distracted, but not many know they only focus when they find a challenging task. When the child responds positively to a particular task, encourage them to do more of it. This will keep them active, improving their physical and mental health. Encourage physical exercise Indulging in different exercises can help the child focus better, improve sleep patterns, reduce depression or anxiety, and stimulate brain function. Follow a routine Creating a routine in daily tasks and activities can reduce the chances of distractions. Also, when the child encounters an activity or event they expect, they are prepared to complete them.
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6 foods that can help fight against psoriatic arthritis

6 foods that can help fight against psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of inflammatory arthritis caused due to an autoimmune reaction where the immune system attacks the healthy cells in the body, mainly impacting the skin and the joints. The common symptoms include swelling in fingers and toes, backaches, fatigue, and stiffness. This condition affects a large population and is observed in roughly 30% of individuals having psoriasis. Below is a list of foods to have for individuals with psoriatic arthritis. Salmon Salmon and other fatty fish can help manage psoriatic arthritis because most fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight joint pain and tackle the swelling. The omega-3 fatty acids can help with heart conditions and prevent heart disease and strokes. The American Heart Association suggests eating salmon, tuna, and mackerel at least twice a week. Whole grains Psoriatic arthritis increases the risk of heart diseases since it can lead to the development of inflammation in the blood vessels. This inflammation can lead to secondary conditions that can further aggravate by cholesterol. Whole grain foods such as brown rice, wild rice, barley, oatmeal, and whole wheat can tackle this condition. These foods are fiber-rich, help maintain cholesterol, and even improve bowel health.
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5 alarming signs of headaches

5 alarming signs of headaches

Headaches are quite common, even among children. But the degree of headache may be different during different events. If you’re prone to getting headaches often, it is advised to note the frequency and the degree of pain and symptoms. We emphasize paying close attention to these details as some signs of headaches can indicate an underlying medical condition. This article highlights signs of headaches that could pose a serious problem. Thunderclap This type of headache is characterized by a sudden onset of pain that peaks within 60 seconds. This symptom can have serious underlying issues, such as internal bleeding in the brain. This could easily lead to brain hemorrhage, leading to a stroke or aneurysm. Painkillers and sleep are not the only solutions to this issue. One should call 911 or head straight to the hospital if one experiences this symptom. High fever High fever accompanied by headache is an alarming sign that one needs to watch out for. It usually indicates an infection, run-of-the-mill sinusitis, among other conditions. The doctor would look for more signs before concluding the problem. If one experiences a stiff neck with headache and fever, it is quite possible that it could be meningitis. This complication may also cause confusion and difficulty talking, which needs to be treated immediately.
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Top 4 reasons for unnatural hair loss patterns

Top 4 reasons for unnatural hair loss patterns

Hair loss is a natural process that automatically gets rid of old tissue and hair to promote new growth. So don’t be alarmed when you do find a few strands of hair tangled in your comb. However, a clearly visible scalp and a receding hairline are indicative of developing the problem of permanent hair loss. There are several internal and external factors that can accelerate hair fall, leading to pattern baldness in both men and women. Here are the top four reasons that trigger unnatural hair fall. Stress Stress ranks among the top risk factors associated with many medical conditions. In fact, one way or the other, taking physical or psychological stress harms the body more than you can imagine. For hair loss, especially, excessive shedding starts right after the body undergoes physical or psychological distress. A few examples include experiencing high fever, blood loss due to accident or injury, or even post-surgery recovery can result in stress that causes hair loss. Stress, coupled with anxiety, results in accelerated hair loss. To cope with this problem and reduce its effects, stress management is of crucial importance. Hormonal changes Men and women both experience hormonal changes throughout their lifetime. However, an imbalance associated with various conditions can trigger hair loss.
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Learn about these 3 types of hearing loss

Learn about these 3 types of hearing loss

Hearing loss, deafness, or impairment is the partial or total inability to hear sounds. People with low to moderate hearing impairment face challenges in understanding what the other person is saying in a noisy environment. Whereas, people with severe deafness cannot hear anything, and rely completely on lip-reading and sign language skills. There are three main types of hearing loss: sensorineural, conductive, and a combination of both. Let’s understand these types in detail and learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of each type. Sensorineural hearing loss It’s the most common type of hearing loss. Sensorineural is permanent hearing loss often caused by damage to the tiny hair cells that line the inner ear or the auditory nerve. The damage stops or weakens the transfers of nerve signals to the brain. These signals are essentially the intensity and clarity of sounds. Causes: Aging and exposure to loud noises for a long period of time are the most common cause of the damage. Certain medications and illnesses can also increase risks. It can even be genetic, and pass on to the child in the mother’s womb. Treatment: There is no medical or surgical treatment available to repair the tiny hair cells once they’re damaged.
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Simple lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of heart diseases

Simple lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of heart diseases

The heart is the most crucial organ in the body and as the system will cease to function if the heart stops or loses momentum pumping fresh oxygenated blood. This is why it is vital to not neglect your heart health at all and responsibly maintain a healthy, stress-free, and more importantly, a happy lifestyle. Here are a few simple lifestyle changes that will help support a healthy heart function. Switch to a healthy diet Avoid eating foods that are rich in trans and saturated fats. Most foods you find on the shelves of the supermarket contain large quantities of one or the other. Instead, switch to low-fat high fiber alternatives to help manage cholesterol. Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level in the body automatically reduces the risk of heart diseases. The simple reason for this is that fats that normally block major arteries and blood vessels are eliminated from these foods choices. It is also advisable to limit the salt (sodium) intake to control blood pressure and sugar to reduce the risk of diabetes simultaneously. Change certain lifestyle habits Reduce the number of alcoholic or carbonated drinks you have regularly. For men, it is advisable to have not more than two drinks and day and women must have only one.
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How to distinguish between heartburn and GERD

How to distinguish between heartburn and GERD

Heartburn is an unpleasant, burning sensation in the chest that is more common than a lot of individuals realize. Pregnant women, older men, and even young adults experience it frequently. Despite it being such a prevalent experience, not many know that heartburn has actually nothing to do with the heart and everything to do with the stomach and the esophagus. Unsurprisingly enough, heartburn is also used interchangeably with GERD. But, before we get to deciphering heartburn and GERD, let’s understand what acid reflux is. What is acid reflux or GER? Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter or LES becomes weak, allowing the contents of the stomach to travel in the wrong direction, back up the esophagus. Acid reflux is also called GER or gastroesophageal reflux as it involves the stomach and esophagus. This condition can usually be resolved with over-the-counter medication. What is heartburn? Heartburn is a burning or painful sensation that is experienced in the chest. Since the lining of the esophagus is not as strong as the lining of the stomach, the acid from the stomach can cause a burning sensation in the chest. This pain or burning sensation that is heartburn can often be misconstrued for a heart attack.
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