6 foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia

6 foods that can help reduce the risk of dementia

Dementia is a psychological condition involving the progressive loss of cognitive abilities, including memory, reasoning, concentration, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Many patients with dementia show behavioral changes and mood swings, hallucinate, and get disorientated and irritable. Besides early diagnosis and timely treatment, constant care, family support, and some lifestyle changes can contribute to healing from dementia. Here are some foods that can help individuals prevent and manage dementia symptoms: Spinach Spinach contains high levels of lutein, an antioxidant that helps prevent loss of cognitive functions. Moreover, several studies have drawn associations between the intake of spinach and other leafy greens and the prevention of cognitive decline. Spinach can be added to stir-fries, gravies, soups, smoothies, etc. Fatty fish Fatty fish varieties like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are packed with Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Studies have demonstrated a decline in DHA levels among individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, a leading cause of dementia. Thus, a meal plan rich in DHA can help reduce one’s susceptibility to these psychological conditions. A daily intake of 200 mg of DHA is recommended for brain health. Broccoli Being a cruciferous vegetable, broccoli is rich in carotenoids and vitamin B. These components can reduce the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid known to contribute to cognitive decline and related psychological conditions in the body.
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7 food sources that adversely impact hearing

7 food sources that adversely impact hearing

Organs in the body rely on a delicate balance of nutritional food intake and supplements to support peak performance. Sensory organs, especially the ears, are at a high risk of losing optimal function due to certain changes in daily foods and beverages. Some foods may not directly impact or trigger hearing loss. But deficiencies can certainly increase the risk of health complications that eventually affect hearing. Here are seven food sources that negatively influence hearing abilities. Foods rich in sodium Smoked, canned, and frozen cuts of meat, processed or prepackaged breads, grains, snacks, chips, and all other condiments used in cooking are all rich in sodium. Research shows that excess sodium intake increases blood pressure, restricts blood vessels, and lowers the blood flow to the cochlea (the part that converts sound into nerve impulses). These symptoms increase the risk of hearing loss associated with tinnitus and Meniere’s disease. Processed foods Salty chips, fried foods, ready-to-eat meals, packaged snacks, tinned vegetables, microwavable recipes, cakes, biscuits, and bread are commonly consumed as processed foods. These are loaded with saturated fats, trans fats, additives, artificial flavorings, colorings, and preservatives. Studies show excess intake of processed foods can lower hearing efficiency by 39% among adults.
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7 household items that may cause cancer

7 household items that may cause cancer

Certain environmental factors are among the most common cancer-causing agents. However, when people discuss environment-based carcinogens, not many focus on the threats within the household. Several household items pose just as grave a danger as radiation exposure for vulnerable people. The risk is more significant as people spend more time indoors than away from home. That said, here are a few household items linked with cancer that one should vary of: Non-stick cookware Non-stick cookware is a staple commodity found in most, if not all, homes. Non-stick items are helpful to avoid soaking utensils in water overnight and scraping off stuck food from pans. However, non-stick cookware is created using a chemical compound named polytetrafluoroethylene. This chemical is the main component of such cookware’s “non-sticky” coating. Several research studies have found that polytetrafluoroethylene is a carcinogen and can cause other harmful health effects and allergies if consumed for long periods. While purchasing cookware, one can check the percentage of polytetrafluoroethylene and look for substitutes. Couches and sofas Now, couches and sofas are the default resting spots for most people. However, the health risk associated with couches and sofas goes much deeper than how they make people averse to daily exercise.
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Avoid these foods to help manage ADHD in children

Avoid these foods to help manage ADHD in children

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, is one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders among children. Its symptoms range from focus and attention problems to troubling behaviors depending on the severity of the condition. ADHD cannot be cured. But, it is possible to manage the symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening during adulthood. Doctors can suggest changes in daily nutrition to eliminate certain foods to better cope with symptoms and prevent flare-ups. Sweets Refined sugar is one of the primary ingredients to avoid as it is excessively used for making all sweets, candies, baked goods, confectioneries, frosting, and whipped cream. This list also includes artificial sweeteners used in beverages like colas, sodas, and store-bought fruit juices. Basically, anything that is artificially sweet will contain excessive refined sugars, causing inflammation of vital brain cells. Several studies have been done in this regard, with results pointing to the consumption of refined sugars as triggers hyperactivity among children. However, sugar is not a direct cause or trigger. Overconsumption mainly triggers problems with anxiety, depression, memory, and focus in general, all difficulties that are associated with neurological problems like ADHD. Limiting or eliminating sugars helps improve the overall outlook with ongoing treatment. Store-bought processed foods Many foods bought off the shelves in the supermarket contain some form of additive or preservative added to improve its shelf life.
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7 foods that help relieve seasonal allergy symptoms

7 foods that help relieve seasonal allergy symptoms

Seasonal allergies each year bring symptoms like sneezing, sniffling, runny nose, and itchy eyes. While treatments can help relieve some allergy symptoms, the effect is enhanced when one makes better food choices. So, it is important to know which foods can help one deal with seasonal allergies. Some nutrient-rich options can help lower inflammation in the body. However, one should consult a healthcare specialist before making drastic changes to meals. Onions Foods like onions, garlic, berries, citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, and apples are rich in quercetin. Quercetin is a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties. It helps in bringing down histamine production in the body, alleviating symptoms of seasonal allergies. The decreased production of histamine lowers the intensity of allergic reactions. Adding these foods to meal meals, especially in preparation for the allergy season, is a great way of getting nutrients and keeping symptoms at bay. These foods can also help one recover after a major allergic reaction. Yogurt Probiotics are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. They contain bacteria that improve gut health and strengthen immunity. Yogurt contains probiotics, helping the immune system fight infections. Other items rich in probiotics are fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha.
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6 foods that trigger EoE symptoms

6 foods that trigger EoE symptoms

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an inflammation of the esophagus that is caused by a white blood cell called an eosinophil. The disease has mostly been recorded in Caucasian males and can lead to esophageal narrowing over time. The treatment for EoE is generally supported by changes in one’s food intake as well. Doctors generally recommend eliminating certain foods to discover the underlying triggers for every individual. Some common foods to avoid for those suffering from EOE include: Soy Soy is a common allergen for many people and may trigger immune system responses as severe as an anaphylactic shock. Common soy-based foods include edamame, tofu, tempeh, soy butter, soy sauce, soy milk, and miso. It is also a common ingredient in many plant-based meats. Doctors may recommend going off of this high-allergen food group for six weeks, to check if reports improve. Dairy products Lactose is notoriously known as an allergen for many people. It is the main protein in most dairy products and can be difficult to digest, thus triggering different allergic responses. Depending on the person’s sensitivity levels, some may be able to continue enjoying baked goods with cow’s milk, while others may have to steer clear of any dairy products entirely.
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Top 4 reasons for unnatural hair loss patterns

Top 4 reasons for unnatural hair loss patterns

Hair loss is a natural process that automatically gets rid of old tissue and hair to promote new growth. So don’t be alarmed when you do find a few strands of hair tangled in your comb. However, a clearly visible scalp and a receding hairline are indicative of developing the problem of permanent hair loss. There are several internal and external factors that can accelerate hair fall, leading to pattern baldness in both men and women. Here are the top four reasons that trigger unnatural hair fall. Stress Stress ranks among the top risk factors associated with many medical conditions. In fact, one way or the other, taking physical or psychological stress harms the body more than you can imagine. For hair loss, especially, excessive shedding starts right after the body undergoes physical or psychological distress. A few examples include experiencing high fever, blood loss due to accident or injury, or even post-surgery recovery can result in stress that causes hair loss. Stress, coupled with anxiety, results in accelerated hair loss. To cope with this problem and reduce its effects, stress management is of crucial importance. Hormonal changes Men and women both experience hormonal changes throughout their lifetime. However, an imbalance associated with various conditions can trigger hair loss.
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Learn about these 3 types of hearing loss

Learn about these 3 types of hearing loss

Hearing loss, deafness, or impairment is the partial or total inability to hear sounds. People with low to moderate hearing impairment face challenges in understanding what the other person is saying in a noisy environment. Whereas, people with severe deafness cannot hear anything, and rely completely on lip-reading and sign language skills. There are three main types of hearing loss: sensorineural, conductive, and a combination of both. Let’s understand these types in detail and learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of each type. Sensorineural hearing loss It’s the most common type of hearing loss. Sensorineural is permanent hearing loss often caused by damage to the tiny hair cells that line the inner ear or the auditory nerve. The damage stops or weakens the transfers of nerve signals to the brain. These signals are essentially the intensity and clarity of sounds. Causes: Aging and exposure to loud noises for a long period of time are the most common cause of the damage. Certain medications and illnesses can also increase risks. It can even be genetic, and pass on to the child in the mother’s womb. Treatment: There is no medical or surgical treatment available to repair the tiny hair cells once they’re damaged.
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Simple lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of heart diseases

Simple lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of heart diseases

The heart is the most crucial organ in the body and as the system will cease to function if the heart stops or loses momentum pumping fresh oxygenated blood. This is why it is vital to not neglect your heart health at all and responsibly maintain a healthy, stress-free, and more importantly, a happy lifestyle. Here are a few simple lifestyle changes that will help support a healthy heart function. Switch to a healthy diet Avoid eating foods that are rich in trans and saturated fats. Most foods you find on the shelves of the supermarket contain large quantities of one or the other. Instead, switch to low-fat high fiber alternatives to help manage cholesterol. Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level in the body automatically reduces the risk of heart diseases. The simple reason for this is that fats that normally block major arteries and blood vessels are eliminated from these foods choices. It is also advisable to limit the salt (sodium) intake to control blood pressure and sugar to reduce the risk of diabetes simultaneously. Change certain lifestyle habits Reduce the number of alcoholic or carbonated drinks you have regularly. For men, it is advisable to have not more than two drinks and day and women must have only one.
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How to distinguish between heartburn and GERD

How to distinguish between heartburn and GERD

Heartburn is an unpleasant, burning sensation in the chest that is more common than a lot of individuals realize. Pregnant women, older men, and even young adults experience it frequently. Despite it being such a prevalent experience, not many know that heartburn has actually nothing to do with the heart and everything to do with the stomach and the esophagus. Unsurprisingly enough, heartburn is also used interchangeably with GERD. But, before we get to deciphering heartburn and GERD, let’s understand what acid reflux is. What is acid reflux or GER? Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter or LES becomes weak, allowing the contents of the stomach to travel in the wrong direction, back up the esophagus. Acid reflux is also called GER or gastroesophageal reflux as it involves the stomach and esophagus. This condition can usually be resolved with over-the-counter medication. What is heartburn? Heartburn is a burning or painful sensation that is experienced in the chest. Since the lining of the esophagus is not as strong as the lining of the stomach, the acid from the stomach can cause a burning sensation in the chest. This pain or burning sensation that is heartburn can often be misconstrued for a heart attack.
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