Prevent these infant skin issues to keep your baby’s skin flawless

Prevent these infant skin issues to keep your baby’s skin flawless

As a new parent, it can be terrifying to discover that your little one’s skin has rashes, spots, and bumps within weeks. But no need to worry much, as most of these skin problems are harmless. They can either be treated or disappear on their own if you don’t mess with them. If you’re new parents, you must know about a few skin issues your baby might face and what to do when they pop up. So, let’s look at some of the most common skin problems in babies: Baby acne It’s a common condition that affects about 20 percent of newborns. It can be present at the time of the baby’s birth or pop up within the next 2-4 weeks and last for a few days, weeks, or months. Although the exact cause of baby acne is unknown, researchers believe that it’s stimulated by the mother’s or infant’s hormones. Treating baby acne is the easiest—you have to let it be and do nothing. Don’t touch or squeeze them or try to treat them with medicated soap. Just wash your baby’s face with water two or three times every day and gently pat it dry. Diaper rash If your baby’s soft butt is all sore and red, they’re most probably experiencing diaper rash.
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Parkinson’s disease – Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and more

Parkinson’s disease – Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and more

As we age, our body changes both physically and mentally. We become prone to a lot of diseases. One of them is Parkinson’s disease. People who develop Parkinson’s at times begin to show early signs from the age of 50. These early symptoms are mild and can go unnoticed. Hence, it is important to stay informed about Parkinson’s disease. Read to know more. What is Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the brain. The disease affects the nerve cells that are in charge of producing dopamine. It causes tremors, stiffness, loss of balance, and loss in coordination. The disease progresses over time and leads to behavioral changes, depression, memory loss, and even fatigue. What are the causes and risk factors of Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease is the result of brain cells dying or becoming impaired. These cells produce dopamine and if the brain cells produce low amounts of the chemical, it can affect the movement of the body. Unfortunately, even science does not know the reason behind the degradation of the neurons. Despite this, they have managed to note down possible causes and risk factors for Parkinson’s disease. Genetic predisposition Research has shown that people who have Parkinson’s disease, tend to have a certain genetic mutation.
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4 common stomach disorders and their causes

4 common stomach disorders and their causes

Research shows that at least 4 in 10 people suffer from digestive disorders that can disrupt their daily routine. From aches to chronic diseases, stomach conditions affect people of all ages, exhibit a myriad of symptoms, and are accompanied by mild to severe discomfort. Depending on the severity, certain changes in diet and lifestyle can help manage the symptoms. In severe cases, a combination of medications and treatment is recommended by medical professionals. Here’s an overview of the four common stomach conditions and their causes: Bloating and gas This is, undoubtedly, one of the most common stomach conditions and digestive problems among both men and women. One may feel extremely bloated and pass gas regularly in this condition. In fact, it is not uncommon for a person to pass gas up to 21 times a day, indicating normal digestive activity. Gas is nothing more than a byproduct of food that the body releases during digestion. Veggies like asparagus, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and onions can cause gas to form during digestion, and the resulting buildup can also lead to bloating. Acid reflux Also known as heartburn, it is one of the more severe stomach conditions that results in a painful burning sensation from the upper part of the stomach all the way up to the chest.
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Five steps for effortless weight management

Five steps for effortless weight management

Many fitness websites focus on weight loss tips, but nobody talks about how hard it can be to maintain your ideal weight. Weight management is unlike shedding pounds; it is much more complex. It requires a sheer amount of discipline and dedication, along with maintaining a consistent routine. So, here’s a 5-step guide to weight management to make the process easier for you: Step 1: Maintain a consistent exercise routine Exercising is a common way to lose weight, but do not brush it off just because you’ve shed those extra pounds. You throw your routine out the window, and chances are that you’ll be off your ideal weight again. Exercising is essential, as it helps the body burn fat and improves overall health. Also, keep in mind that the type of exercise does not matter, so you can choose any physical activity you like to indulge in. Step 2: Don’t count every calorie Diet plans that help lose weight count each and every calorie consumed and burned, but this does not work in the long run. Trying to stay fit is not possible when you’re on a restricted diet. You need to get all the required nutrients, and fats are also an integral part of the list.
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5 common sleep disorders and factors that affect sleep quality

5 common sleep disorders and factors that affect sleep quality

Doctors recommend a decent 8 hours of sleep every night for adults because sleep is essential for both physical and mental health. From managing hormone levels and relieving fatigue to affecting mood, a decent sleep cycle helps regulate various body processes. While there’s nothing one would love more than a good night’s sleep after a tiring day, sleep disorders often disrupt sleep cycles and reduce the quality of sleep. Here are some common sleep disorders and their symptoms that you should know about: Sleep apnea Characterized by repeated interrupted breathing, sleep apnea is a serious disorder. People with this condition experience repeated episodes of breathing difficulties while they’re asleep and often wake up gasping for air. There are two types of sleep apnea: obstructive and central. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) RLS is a sleep disorder that leads to an irresistible urge to move one’s legs. This condition is so uncomfortable that people find it difficult to sleep and pace around at night, hoping to achieve some relief. Insomnia Insomnia is a common condition that makes it difficult for an individual to fall or stay asleep. While many adults suffer from insomnia, only a few experience chronic insomnia. Narcolepsy This is a neurological disorder that affects sleep control and causes uncontrollable episodes of sleepiness during the day.
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Simple ways to avoid relapse after recovery

Simple ways to avoid relapse after recovery

Addiction is a compulsive activity of abuse that induces temporary pleasure. These substances can be anything from alcohol, medications, and other stimulants. The overuse of such substances has a detrimental effect on the body and mind. Therefore, even after successful treatment, the road to complete recovery is challenging. To avoid relapse, here are simple ways one can try to cope with withdrawal symptoms and fight temptations. Support system The simplest way to cope with addiction is to build a support system of trustworthy friends. One must remember that recovery is a long process and your friends and family can help you overcome temptations and fight withdrawal symptoms. Note that while treatment conditions the body to be independent of the substance, support and therapy conditions the mind to avoid chances of a relapse. Seek sponsors or former addicts who are now sober and can advise you based on their experience. Learning from their experience will certainly instill confidence in your ability to not relapse. Attend group sessions Group therapy sessions provide recovering addicts with a platform to share their positive efforts towards recovery. Here, recovering addicts gather to openly discuss their addictions in a positive light and share their experiences on how they managed to overcome temptations and avoid relapse.
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Top 4 reasons for unnatural hair loss patterns

Top 4 reasons for unnatural hair loss patterns

Hair loss is a natural process that automatically gets rid of old tissue and hair to promote new growth. So don’t be alarmed when you do find a few strands of hair tangled in your comb. However, a clearly visible scalp and a receding hairline are indicative of developing the problem of permanent hair loss. There are several internal and external factors that can accelerate hair fall, leading to pattern baldness in both men and women. Here are the top four reasons that trigger unnatural hair fall. Stress Stress ranks among the top risk factors associated with many medical conditions. In fact, one way or the other, taking physical or psychological stress harms the body more than you can imagine. For hair loss, especially, excessive shedding starts right after the body undergoes physical or psychological distress. A few examples include experiencing high fever, blood loss due to accident or injury, or even post-surgery recovery can result in stress that causes hair loss. Stress, coupled with anxiety, results in accelerated hair loss. To cope with this problem and reduce its effects, stress management is of crucial importance. Hormonal changes Men and women both experience hormonal changes throughout their lifetime. However, an imbalance associated with various conditions can trigger hair loss.
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Learn about these 3 types of hearing loss

Learn about these 3 types of hearing loss

Hearing loss, deafness, or impairment is the partial or total inability to hear sounds. People with low to moderate hearing impairment face challenges in understanding what the other person is saying in a noisy environment. Whereas, people with severe deafness cannot hear anything, and rely completely on lip-reading and sign language skills. There are three main types of hearing loss: sensorineural, conductive, and a combination of both. Let’s understand these types in detail and learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatments of each type. Sensorineural hearing loss It’s the most common type of hearing loss. Sensorineural is permanent hearing loss often caused by damage to the tiny hair cells that line the inner ear or the auditory nerve. The damage stops or weakens the transfers of nerve signals to the brain. These signals are essentially the intensity and clarity of sounds. Causes: Aging and exposure to loud noises for a long period of time are the most common cause of the damage. Certain medications and illnesses can also increase risks. It can even be genetic, and pass on to the child in the mother’s womb. Treatment: There is no medical or surgical treatment available to repair the tiny hair cells once they’re damaged.
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Simple lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of heart diseases

Simple lifestyle changes that reduce the risk of heart diseases

The heart is the most crucial organ in the body and as the system will cease to function if the heart stops or loses momentum pumping fresh oxygenated blood. This is why it is vital to not neglect your heart health at all and responsibly maintain a healthy, stress-free, and more importantly, a happy lifestyle. Here are a few simple lifestyle changes that will help support a healthy heart function. Switch to a healthy diet Avoid eating foods that are rich in trans and saturated fats. Most foods you find on the shelves of the supermarket contain large quantities of one or the other. Instead, switch to low-fat high fiber alternatives to help manage cholesterol. Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level in the body automatically reduces the risk of heart diseases. The simple reason for this is that fats that normally block major arteries and blood vessels are eliminated from these foods choices. It is also advisable to limit the salt (sodium) intake to control blood pressure and sugar to reduce the risk of diabetes simultaneously. Change certain lifestyle habits Reduce the number of alcoholic or carbonated drinks you have regularly. For men, it is advisable to have not more than two drinks and day and women must have only one.
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How to distinguish between heartburn and GERD

How to distinguish between heartburn and GERD

Heartburn is an unpleasant, burning sensation in the chest that is more common than a lot of individuals realize. Pregnant women, older men, and even young adults experience it frequently. Despite it being such a prevalent experience, not many know that heartburn has actually nothing to do with the heart and everything to do with the stomach and the esophagus. Unsurprisingly enough, heartburn is also used interchangeably with GERD. But, before we get to deciphering heartburn and GERD, let’s understand what acid reflux is. What is acid reflux or GER? Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter or LES becomes weak, allowing the contents of the stomach to travel in the wrong direction, back up the esophagus. Acid reflux is also called GER or gastroesophageal reflux as it involves the stomach and esophagus. This condition can usually be resolved with over-the-counter medication. What is heartburn? Heartburn is a burning or painful sensation that is experienced in the chest. Since the lining of the esophagus is not as strong as the lining of the stomach, the acid from the stomach can cause a burning sensation in the chest. This pain or burning sensation that is heartburn can often be misconstrued for a heart attack.
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